How To Search For A Business Name In California

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How to Search for a Business Name in California

What is a Business Entity Name in California?

When you register a business entity in California, such as a corporation or limited liability company, you must provide a unique business name. This name must be distinguishable from the names of other registered businesses, and it must include certain words or abbreviations that identify the type of business entity you are forming. For example, a corporation must include the word "corporation," "incorporated," "limited," or an abbreviation of one of these words in its name.

Why Is It Important to Search for a Business Name in California?

When you search for a business name in California, you can make sure that the name you choose is available for use. If your proposed business name is already in use by another business entity, you will have to choose a different name to avoid potential legal conflicts.

How to Search for Business Names in California

There are several ways to search for business names in California. The most convenient way is to use the state's online business search tool. Simply enter the name you want to use, and the search tool will let you know if the name is available. You can also use the tool to search for other information about businesses, such as the type of business entity and the address of the registered office.

What If My Desired Business Name Is Already Taken?

If the name you want to use is already taken, you may be able to use a similar name as long as it is distinguishable from the name already in use. For example, you might add a number to the end of the name or use a different word or abbreviation to indicate the type of business entity. You can also use the state's online search tool to see if the proposed name is distinguishable from other names.

How Can I Reserve My Business Name in California?

You can reserve your business name for up to 60 days by filing a Name Reservation Request with the California Secretary of State's office. This request must include the proposed name, the type of business entity, and the name and address of the person filing the request. You can file the request online or by mail.

Are There Any Restrictions on Business Names in California?

Yes, there are certain restrictions on business names in California. The name must be distinguishable from other registered business names, and it cannot include offensive words or phrases. In addition, the name cannot imply that the business is organized for a purpose other than what is stated in the Articles of Incorporation or Organization.


Searching for business names in California is an important step in forming a business entity. It is important to make sure that the name you choose is available and distinguishable from other business names. You can use the state's online search tool to find out if your proposed name is available and to reserve it for up to 60 days. There are also certain restrictions on business names in California, so make sure to check them before filing your Name Reservation Request.

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